
Read the book A Place Where Dreams Come True. Knowing who the author is makes it all the more intriguing. I brought it home today, began reading in the afternoon and couldn’t put it down. I’m up past my bedtime with one more step to understanding why I am here and why I am a member of the New Covenant Christian Church. Deeply committed faith people makes you grow. Thanks Chuck Thomas and family!

Shirley R.

Thanks for being so transparent with your testimony to the glory of God! You are an amazing example of what Jesus can do in the life of someone who believes Jesus and chooses to follow hard after Him. Your emphasis on the love of Jesus, His relentless desire to have an intimate relationship with us, and the power of the Holy Spirit to communicate with and change us was phenomenal.

I am praying that God continues to use you and Pam and your whole family to impact this generation with the Gospel of Jesus!

I was truly blessed by the book.


I officially finished your book last night.  What a great story of a man’s personal and interactive and interesting walk with the God of the Universe!  Seriously any non-Christian should sense what he or she is really missing after reading this book.  Story after story builds credibility.  And what a treasure for your family and descendants to the 3rd, 4th and 5th generations and beyond.

In genuine sincerity, this book is priceless and comes highly recommended.

– Steve W.

A Place Where Dreams Come True is a story that needed to be told. Chuck Thomas leads the reader through his story tracing the golden thread of God’s love, proving that our lives are not just a series of random events. This is absolutely an encouraging story affirming God’s love and concern for His people. Everyone will find something in this book to identify with, whether it is a troubled childhood, random relationships, spiritual warfare or bouts with depression. Chuck not only relates the events of his life, he interprets them and in the process manages to teach about forgiving, family, and having an intimate relationship with God.

This book became my devotional as I was reading it. I recommend it.

– Sara E.

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